Granola love.

Granola 3

Since committing to going gluten-free in 2016 (you can read why here), i’ve had a grain free granola on my kitchen radar.  I like to use it as a sprinkle on my fruit salad and smoothies, and it works equally well as a muffin topping, as a crust for your fruit crumble, or as a little crunchy boost to your breakfast pancakes…the list goes on really.  You can even eat it on its own, as a snack – it’s pretty versatile!

I was a bit worried that a grain free version would lose some of that decadent mouth feel that regular granola has, but rest easy folks – after a little tweaking, this one turned out perfectly.  I had it this morning with sliced peach, banana and plain greek yoghurt for breakfast, and it was HEAVEN.  I also used it on my delicious dinner smoothie, which you can find here…seriously, I think you should make some.  STAT.

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